« [The most important thing] was the love within the group. The people, the ordinary people were more attached to each other than they are now. For example, if you had a problem everybody would come to help you. Both at work and outside work. However, gradually, after the fall of communism, when having property started [being permitted], people’s selfishness grew. »
Vasiliv (44, Bulgaria )
« Hotza wouldn’t leave you without a job. If you didn’t work, he would send you to prison. This was the main thing. In my opinion, this was good. But, eh, how can I put it? It was better. Everybody worked, they all got their salary—they didn’t earn so much money but they had a normal life. Now, though, that things are this way, it is a little bit difficult. Because it is the best one who wins: the one who comes first at the race. That’s how it goes. »
Besi (29, Albania )