Gendered Aspects of Migration from Southeast Europe The research The project  

Personal advertisements in the local Albanian press.

« If it happens (I’ll get married to a Greek woman). I don’t know. Whatever is meant to happen will happen. I don’t, I don’t have a problem with that. I don’t have a problem, as long as I have a good time with that person. [My parents] have told me "I’d like you, son, to get married to an Albanian woman." That’s all, okay. Okay, they’re set on the idea that I should get married to an Albanian woman. […] Why? Because that’s what they would want, you know. They would like me to get married to an Albanian woman, despite the fact that we happen to live in Greece. Because they want to get along with each other at home and they believe that things will be better, you know. Do you get it? […] My parents, for instance, have this way of thinking: that [Greek women] like to live in great luxury, let’s say. They want everything to be perfect. They want money and expensive clothes. [They want] to be out all the time, to have coffees and things like that. On the other hand, they believe that Albanian women are better housewives! Maybe, it’s true. But in two, three, four or five years’ time maybe these Albanian women will change and become the same, due to the fact that they live here. Maybe they’ll progress, you know. »

Tolis (21, Albania )

« Me…yeah, in general I would like him to be from Bulgaria because at some point I will return to Bulgaria. I know that at some point I will definitely return to Bulgaria, even if this happens in forty years’ time. So I’d like him also to be from Bulgaria. I wouldn’t like the idea of him being in Greece and me being in Bulgaria. That is, in any case I would like us to be together. To know that we came here from Bulgaria in order to work and then to return to Bulgaria where we will stay forever. Yes, I’d like it to be this way…Because I want to leave Greece at some point and go back to Bulgaria. »

Elli (19, Bulgaria )

Hometown girl, hometown boy

Culture When the kids go out Performing identities Remittances Media worlds Mediatic borders Return Nostalgia Betwixt and between Moneybags Send a photo! Stay on the line! Entertaining Hometown girl, hometown boy Name change Whose side are you on? Traditions from home New traditions