Stefania comes from Albania ; she was born in 1929 at Leshkoviki (near Korçe) and came in Greece for the first time in 2000. At the time of the interview her worked as a 'Pensioner'.
Interview date: 19/09/2005
Researcher who did the interview: Lambrini Styliou
Subfield of the interview: Historical culture
The interview was conducted at the informant´s home. Stefania lives in Volos with her daughter, Eva, and her son, Altin, who is married and has a little daughter. She also has another son who lives in the U.S. Some of the main issues discussed in the interview concern: her parents´ Greek origins, her childhood memories, the relations between Greek and Albanian border villages before the war, her good memories of the communist period and the positive assessment of its contribution to the sectors of work, health and education; her job during communism, voluntary work as a pleasant experience, her marriage, what the Albanians living near the border thought of Greece, religion and secret religious practices under communism, her present relation to religion, the Orthodox Church´s role in her social life, her children´s pre-migration professions in Albania, gender relations and the freedom prevailing under the communist regime for relations between the sexes, her appreciation of Hoxha, the differences between Albanian and Greek people and her future plans.