Kozeta comes from Albania ; she was born in 1984 at Tirana and came in Greece for the first time in 1999. At the time of the interview her worked as a 'Live-in domestic helper'.
Interview date: 22/09/2005
Researcher who did the interview: Lambrini Styliou
Subfield of the interview: Labor
The interview was conducted in the university´s building. Kozeta has three younger siblings. Her parents are divorced. Her whole family lives in Albania. Kozeta came to Greece on her own. Some of the main issues discussed in the interview concern: her parents´ marriage, family problems and her parents´ divorce, her decision to come to Greece, her first working experience as a housemaid when she was 15 years old, her present working experience as a live-in domestic helper, issues of marriage and gender relations, comparisons between Greek and Albanian men and women, her ties to her family living in Albania.